Brazilian Portuguese - New Language Added!


Been a while - I mentioned in the last post that I would post 3 weeks from then, which would’ve landed in late October... I’ve been a bit busy as I haven’t found much time to bring in more material for the website. But then again, updates are going to be sporadic anyways. It means that new content will be out at irregular times throughout the coming months.

This time, we have a new language added in - Brazilian Portuguese. The videos included in this section are ones that I’ve known for a while now, despite how little information there is on this dub. No full episodes have been saved online, just a short clip from the ninth episode has appeared on YouTube.

Mário Lúcio de Freitas is the composer of the Brazilian theme song called “Luluzinha e Bolinha” (Little Lulu & Tubby), along with other shows broadcasted in the 80’s and 90’s. If it weren’t for him, there wouldn’t be as much information to cover. Frietas seems to be proud of his work as he has an entire section of his website dedicated to a ton of his music that he created over the years. Out of all of the theme songs under the ZIV International brand, my favorite has to be the one for Fables of the Green Forest, it is seriously an absolute banger. (Click here to listen)

Have a look at the new Brazilian Portuguese page in our Language section! A few more languages are going to be added soon. Next year, Fellers’ Frontier will continue to update and bring you more coverage for Little Lulu. We’re excited for what’s coming up in the future. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Click here to go to the Brazilian Portuguese section!
